Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts
Open new window.
Command + N
Ctrl + N
Open new tab.
Command + T
Ctrl + T
Reopen the last closed tab.
Command + Shift + T
Ctrl + Shift + T
Move to next tab.
Command + Option + Right Arrow
Ctrl + Tab
Move to previous tab.
Command + Option + Left Arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Open previous page in browsing history.
Command + [
Alt + Left Arrow
Open next page in browsing history.
Command + ]
Alt + Right Arrow
Close current tab.
Command + W
Ctrl + W
Close current window.
Command + Shift + W
Alt + F4
Open Bookmarks Manager.
Command + Option + B
Ctrl + Shift + O
Open History page.
Command + Y
Ctrl + H
Open Downloads page.
Command + Shift + J
Ctrl + J
Open Find Bar.
Command + F
Ctrl + F
Print current page.
Command + P
Ctrl + P
Save current page.
Command + S
Ctrl + S
Reload current page.
Command + R
Save current page as a bookmark.
Command + D
Ctrl + D
Toggle full-screen mode.
Command + Ctrl + F
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