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Showing posts with the label Tips And Tricks

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts 1. ALT+= Inserts a SUM formula. 2. CTRL+TAB switches between open Excel windows. 3. CTRL+A – this has various scenarios: a. If you are in regular data range and press CTRL+A all the data is selected. b. If you press CTRL+A a second time in the same range selects the entire spreadsheet. c. If you are in a table then pressing the CTRL+A key selects the data excluding the total row AND titles. d. If you press the CTRL+A key a second time it selects the data, titles, and total row e. It does not make any difference whether the spreadsheet contains data or not, if you are outside the data area, in a blank area with no directly adjacent cells containing data, CTRL+A selects the entire sheet. f. If you have one or more objects e.g. Charts, selected then pressing CTRL+A selects them all. 4. CTRL+1 Displays the Format Cells dialog box. 5. CTRL+SHIFT+" Copies the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar. 6. F4 Repeats an action, or if

Adobe Reader Keyboard Shortcuts

Adobe Reader Keyboard Shortcuts Selecting tools H Hand tool Spacebar Temporarily select Hand tool V Select tool G Snapshot tool Z Current zoom tool Shft Temporarily select Dynamic Zoom tool (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected) Ctrl Temporarily zoom out (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected) R Select Object tool O Object Data tool A Article tool C Crop tool L Link tool Editing Ctrl+A Select all content Ctrl+Shft+A Deselect all content Ctrl+0 Fit page Working with comments S Sticky Note tool E Text Edits tool K Stamp tool U Current highlighting tool Shft+U Cycle through highlighting tools: Highlighter, Cross-Out Text, Underline Text D Arrow tool X Text Box tool J

Most useful shortcut keys in PowerPoint

                                         Shortcut Keys                       Most useful shortcut keys in PowerPoint F5 Runs the presentation  (View > Slide Show) Shift + F3 Toggles between lowercase, mixed case and uppercase on the selection Shift + F9 Toggles the display of Guide Lines Shift + Enter Enters a line break (Soft break) Ctrl + A Selects all the objects on the active slide Ctrl + T Displays the  (Format > Font)  dialog box Ctrl + Shift + Tab Toggle between the Slides and Outlines tabs (Normal view) Ctrl + Shift + G Group the currently selected objects / shapes Ctrl + Shift + H Ungroups the currently selected object / shape Alt + Shift + F4 Closes all the presentations (saving first) and exits PowerPoint  (File > Exit)                                                                   Function Keys   F1 Display Help or the Offi
